Stability & Change in Nordic Labour Law
Legal Abbreviations

Edited by Peter Wahlgren
December 2002
Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law
ISBN: 91-85142-57-3
415 pages, Illustrated, 6 3/4" x 9 3/4"
$109.00 Hardcover

This volume provides a broad, comparative analysis of the development of Scandinavian labor law over the last decades. The picture of development given by the different contributors is one of both stability and change. The institutional framework of Nordic labor relations has remained largely unchanged; employers' organizations and trade unions still hold a strong position, and the collective agreement continues to be the principal instrument for regulation of the labor market. But, in other aspects, extensive changes have occurred. Labor law in the Nordic countries is no longer solely the concern of national legislators and social partners. International influences, especially from the European Community, are important. Further, this volume covers several topics - such as equal treatment, employee privacy and temporary-work agencies - that would not have been regarded as relevant to a presentation of Nordic labor law some thirty years ago.

Scandinavian Studies in Law Vol. 43

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