Saturniidae of America, 3 Volumes
By Claude Lemaire
December 2002
Goeke & Evers
ISBN: 3-931374-08-4
1514 pages, Illustrated, 8 1/2 x 12"
$900.00 Hardcover Set
This huge monograph, the fourth, largest and last reviewing the New World Saturniidae encapsulates and lays out for all the world to use, the results of Claude Lemaire's incredibly thorough fascination with understanding the taxonomy, and the rest of the biology, of these animals.Contents of this three volume set include: Lonomia, Coloradia, Hemileuca, Hylesia, Gamelia, Hypercheria, Automeropsis, Dirphiella, Hidripa, Arias, Cerodirphia, Kentroleuca, Ithomisa, Heliconsia, Adetomeris, Polythysanini, Addendum, Literature, Line Drawings, Corrections, 400 Maps and Drawings, More than 200 Color Plates.
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