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Searing Apparent Surfaces
Infernal Females in Four Early Works of William Blake
By Dee Drake .
December 2000
Almqvist & Wiksell International
ISBN: 91-22-01856-5
178 Pages, Illustrated
$54.50 Paper Original
This is a study of William Blake's psychosexual mythmaking, as the author appropriates tenets from post-Jungian psychology. The chapters are (1) An Infernal Reading of Female Desire, with discussions about the soul, personifying the complexities of the Gods, feminine moods of the infernal, women wonders; (2) Envisioning Hecate's Mysteries, with discussions on the Initiations of an Ass, The Multiplicities of Soul Making, and Making an Ass of Aeneas; (3) Thel's Way of Making Soul Matter, with discussions of Thel's Tripling Constellations and the Descent to the Underworld; and (4) Oothoon and Thwarting of Initiation, including Dionysian Elements in Visions and Her Multiple Selves. Conclusion, Works Citied Index.
English Literature
Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English, XC