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Self-Presentation & Social Identification
The Rhetoric & Pragmatics of Letter Writing
in Early Modern Times

Edited by Toon van Houdt, et al.
July 2002
Leuven University
ISBN: 90-5867-212-3
478 pages, 6 ½ x 9 ½"
$107.00 paper original

Some of the essays contained in this comprehensive work include: Humanistic Letter Writing: Private Conversation or Public Forum? Vives versus Erasmus on the Art of Letter Writing. Style & Tradition in Ben Jonson's Verse Epistles. Imaginary Correspondence. Past & Present Directions in the Study of the Early Modern Letter. Dedicatory Letters of Rudolph Agricola Junior, Valentin Eck, & Leonard Cox (1510-1530). Lipsius' Letters of Recommendation. Learned Ladies. Grotius' Correspondence. Strategies & Slander in the Protestant Part of the Republic of Letters. Arasmus' Apologetic Letters. Grammarian as Poeta and Vates. Letter Writing & Scientific Controversy. Erasmus: Letters of Obscure Men. Limits of Self-Representation. George Buchanan. Tycho Brahe's astronomical epistle. Index.


Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia XVIII