Speak Truth to Power
Edited By Ken Coates
October 2003
ISBN: 0-85124-681-8
79 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/4" x 8 1/4"
$14.95 Paper Original
Articles include: "Will Iran be Next" by Ken Coates, "Iraq, the US and the End of the European Coalition" by Gabriel Kolko, "Who Rules the Peace when the Rulers Break the Rules?" by Phyllis Bennis, "The War on Freedom and Democracy" by Tony Bunyan, "On Twain, Lincoln, Imperialist Wars and the Weather" by Kurt Vonnegut, "Raiders of the Lost Iraq" by Robert Fisk, "The Price of Oil" by Zhores A. Medvedev, "Christopher Hill - Man with a Mission" V.G. Kiernan, and Peace Dossier.
The Spokesman, No. 79
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