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Statistical Analysis of Train Traffic
The Eindhoven Case

By Rob M.P. Goverde, Gerard Hooghiemstra & Hendrik P. Lopuhaä
March 2001
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2201-3
139 pages, illustrated[cover]
$32.50 paper original


Contents include: Introduction. Uncertainty in railway operations. Available literature and empirical data. TNV-Logfiles and TNV-Prepare. Research objectives and definitions. Outline of the report. Probability distributions. Outliers. Statistical tests. Detailed analysis of IC 1500 GVC-HRL. Univariate analysis of separate train lines. Comparison between train lines. Arrival delay. Late arrival delay. Departure delay. Dwell time. Dwell time of late arrivals. Excess dwell time of late arrivals. Conclusions. Punctuality analysis. Statistical inference. Future research. Bibliography.

TRAIL Studies in Transportation Science, No. S2001/1