Strangelove Doctrine
Edited By Ken Coates
December 2003
ISBN: 0-85124-686-9
103 pages, 5 ¾" x 8 ¼"
$13.95 Paper Original
This edition includes articles by authors Pascal Boniface, Noam Chomsky, Ken Coates, David Hirst and Joseph Rotblat. Contents include: "A Lesson in Obfuscation," "Official Blackmail? Some Glimpses at the Hutton Inquiry," "Tribute to Edward W. Said," "What They Want Is My Silence," "Dealing with the Hydra?," "The Nuclear Issue," "Israel, Iran and Nuclear Weapons," "The Strangelove Doctrine," "Dominance and its Dilemmas," "Peace Dossier," "Reviews."
Spokesman No. 80
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