Studies in Persian Period
History & Historiography
Forschungen zum Alten Testament No. 38
By Hugh Williamson
August 2004
Mohr Siebeck
ISBN: 3161482611
340 pages, 6 ¼" x 9 ¼"
$159.50 Hardcover
For at least 15 years, and with several significant works, the author contributed to the movement to recapture the importance of the biblical books of Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah. Behind his widely acclaimed commentaries on these books lay many detailed historical and exegetical studies, published in a variety of journals, Festschriften and other works. The most important of these are here collected for the first time, providing the scholar of the post-exilic period with a valuable resource in furthering research on this formative period in early Jewish history.
Contents include: Early Post-Exilic Judaean History, Judah and the Jews, The Governors of Judah under the Persians, Nehemiah's Walls Revisited, The Historical Value of Josephus' Jewish Antiquities, Introduction to M. Noth, The Chronicler's History, Sources and Redaction in the Chronicler's Genealogy of Judah, 'We are Yours O David': The Setting and Purpose of 1 Chronicles12:1-23, The Origins of the Twenty-Four Priestly Courses: A Study of 1 Chronicles 23-27, The Accession of Solomon in the Books of Chronicles, The Temple in the Books of Chronicles, Eschatology in Chronicles, Post-Exilic Historiography, Ezra and Nehemiah in the Light of the Texts from Persepolis, Scripture Citing Scripture: The Historical Books, The Composition of Ezra 1-6, The Belief System of the Book of Nehemiah, Structure and Historiography in Nehemiah 9, The Problem with First Esdras.
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