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The Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel
Introduction, Text, and Commentary

By Matthias Henze
October 2001
J. C. B. Mohr
ISBN: 3-16-147594-1
140 pages
$63.50 paper original

The author has prepared the editio princeps of the Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel, a hitherto unknown apocalypse composed in the early seventh century A.D. in Syriac and preserved in a single manuscript only. Following an introduction, the book includes an edition of the Syriac text, an English translation, and a detailed commentary. Like the Biblical Daniel on which it is closely modeled, the Syriac text is an 'historical' apocalypse, i.e. it has two parts: the 'historical' first part relates the adventures of Daniel in midrashic form, from his deportation by Nebuchadnezzar until his return to Persia. Upon returning, Daniel has a sequence of apocalyptic visions which are recorded in the latter, eschatological part of the text and which describe the gradual unfolding of the end of time.

Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum