Text & Context in the Thematisation
on Postwar DevelopmentBy Louis Baeck
December 2000
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 905867018X
150 pages
$51.00 paper original
Contents: A bird's eye view. The first generation of model builders. Modernisation as westernisation. Empirical analyses inspired by field work. Political theory in support of the millitary. Dependency theories and neomarxism. Asian third worldism. Education as a diffuser of modernization. Export oriented industrialization in teh NICS77.
Economic growth and equity. The new international economic order. The debt hangover. Bringing ethics back in. The cultural revival of Islam. The impact of cultural tradition on Russia's post-communist development. East Asia's development miracles? Good governance for sub-Saharan Africa. The surge of liberalism and globalization. A flashback on development theory.
History; Political Science
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