Tortricidae (Lepidoptera)
of Europe, Volume 2
By Jozef Razowski
December 2003
Frantisek Slamka
ISBN: 8096905201
301 pages, Illustrated, 8 ½" x 12"
$299.50 Hardcover
The general introduction to the two volumes is including acknowledgements, and the characteristics of the family are in volume one. The list of abbreviations is repeated below and the acknowledgements are completed. The former classifications of subfamilies or tribes are already rather of historical importance; however, in almost every one there are some important facts or interesting interpretations.
Within a few last years there has been a consensus in almost all classifications problems. The most actual is the proposal of arrangement of the family-level taxa by Horak (1999) which is also followed in this paper.
Contents include: Introduction, Systematics, System of the European Tortricidae, Systematic list of Olethreutinae, Olethreutinae, Plates of Genitalia, Plates of Adults, List of Plants, References, Index.
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