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TMCE 2000
Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering
Edited by Imre Horváth, Anthony J. Medland, and Joris S.M. Vergeest
December 2000
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-1983-7
839 pages, illustrated
$200.00 paper original
This invaluable text brings together 66 topic papers and 7 invited papers presented at the Third International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering. Topics extend from competitive product conceptualization, through design, development, engineering, to marketing, maintenance, and servicing. They also cover many product related activities, such as global marketing, concurrent and collaborative engineering, virtual and physical product modeling, product aesthetics and ergonomics, development of design support systems, new concepts for enabling tools, and novel paradigms.Industrial Engineering
Third International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering