Understanding Babel
An Essay in Intercomprehending Analysis
By Maya Pencheva & Todor Shopov
May 2003
St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
ISBN: 954-07-1778-7
114 pages, Illustrated, 5 1/2" x 8 1/4"
$62.50 Hardcover
This book is about Intercomprehension. Language users experience that phenomenon when they communicate in multilingual environments. The analytical approach of the authors is interdisciplinary - a modular model for the exploration of the conceptual underpinnings of language users' intercomprehension in applied. Contents Include: Method & Scope, Intercomprehension Analysis & Applied Intercomprehension, State of the Art, On defining Intercomprehension, Compositionality Principle, Receptive Language Proficiency, Classical Theory of Linguistic Levels, Native Language Factor & Onomastics, Analysis of Success in Intercomprehension.
Language Studies
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