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Unending Metamorphoses
Myth, Satire & Religion in Salman Rushdie's Novels

By Margareta Petersson
October 1996
Lund University Press (Distr. By Almqvist & Wiksell)
ISBN: 91-7966-386-9
358 Pages, Illustrated
$55.00 paper original


Contents include: Grimus: myths, initiation, alchemy, point of the novel. Midnight's Children: Allegory, history of the subcontinent, democracy, meta-fiction, synthesis; Shame: male & female story; center-periphery; palimsest; history of the woman; narrator & the genres; The Satanic Verses: the affair, the novel, the mythic patterns, alchemy, transmutations (migration, social development, and religion), satire, hybridity (the devil theme). Notes, Appendix. Bibliography. Name Index.

Litteratur Teater Film, NYA Serien No. 14