Return to Coronet Books main pageUse and Abuse of Female Sexual Imagery in the Book of Hosea
A Feminist Critical Approach to Hos 1-3
By Rut Törnkvist
Nov. 1998
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 91-554-4135-1
196 p.
$52.00 Paper Original
This study departs from the thesis that the use of sexual metaphors in the Book of Hosea is connected with national and religious identity constructs of "Israel." The metaphoric language in Hosea 1-3 is studied from a conscious gender perspective. The book argues that the use of female sexual imagery serves distinctly political and ideological interests, strengthening attitudes towards women as "unfaithful" or "inclined to adultery or prostitution."
Series: Uppsala Women’s Studies. A. Women in Religion
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