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Use of Lactose Ureide Labelled with
Stable Isotopes in the Study of Small
Intestinal Transit and Colonic Metabolism

By Benny Geypens
October 2000
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-040-6
119 Pages
$48.00 Paper Original

The contents of this doctoral thesis include: modelling and convolution applied in gastrointestinal transit breath tests; validation of the lactose-[13C]ureide breath test against scintigraphy; optimisation of conditions for the lactose-[13C] ureide breath test and results in healthy volunteers; pharmacological modulation of proximal gastrointestinal transit monitored by breath tests: prokinetics; and others.

Medical Science; Biology
Series: Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia No. 218