Vasilikos Valley Project 7
Excavations at Kalavasos-Tenta, Volume II

By Ian A. Todd, et al.
August 2005
Paul Astroms Forlag
ISBN: 9170811393
555 pages, Illustrated, 8 ¼" x 11 ¾"
$295.00 Paper Original

Five seasons of excavation were undertaken at the Aceramic and Ceramic Neolithic site of Kalavasos-Tenta in the Larnaca District near the southern coast of Cyprus between 1976 and 1984. The site consists of occupation deposits on a small natural hill overlooking the Vasilikos river valley from its west side.

Brief excavation at the site on 1947 by P. Dikaios revealed the presence of stone architecture of the Aceramic Neolithic period, and numerous curvilinear stone and mud-brick domestic structures were excavated by the present project on the top and on the southern slopes of the site. The west side of the top of the site was occupied by three successive large buildings which are differentiated either by their size or the complexity of their plan from other structures on the site.

Contents include: Human burials, Artifacts, Flora, Mammalian Fauna, Mollusca, A Site Territory Analysis for Tenta, Summary and Conclusions.

Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, Vol. LXXI:7

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