Valley of Roses & Thracian Rulers

Authored & Compiled By Kossyo Zarev, et al.
Translated From Bulgarian by Nely Petrova
December 2001
Vion Publishing House
ISBN: 954-9501-31-0
166 pages, Illustrated, 9 1/2" x 13
$139.50 Hardcover

The development of rose cultivation, the production of the famous Bulgarian rose oil and the awards received for the participation in prestigious international exhibitions are shown in photographs, taken in the course of over 110 years - some of them are published for the first time. This album shows a small part of the preserved Thracian wealth in the region of the Kazanluk Valley. Published for the first time are photographs, maps and drawings of what they built in the 7th-3rd century BC. The photographed finds of ceramics, bronze, silver and gold, discovered in the last 40 years upon archaeological excavations of the ancient Thracian city of Seuthopolis and the dozens of Thracian mounds on the territory of the town of Kazanluk, supplement notions of Thracians' life, reveal the perfection of their vessels and the uniqueness of their coins jewelry. Fragrance of roses and reminiscence of a remote past - that is what you'll remember this album with.

Archaeology; History; Geography

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