Return to Coronet Books main pageVersions of Exile Morality
Refugees in Britain 1790-1845By Adrian Velicu
December 2001
University of Gothenburg
ISBN: 91-7346-399-X
236 pages
$62.50 paper original
This study attempts to identify a particular strand of intellectual history characterized by the manner of using ideas and concepts in the extreme situation of exile.Contents:
Introduction. A Question of Trust: Mallet du Pan's Mercure Britannique. The Sound of an Uprooted Journal: Mercure de France. Persisting: Peltier's L'Ambigu. Self-imposed Exile: Blanco White and El Espaņol. "Liberales" and the Nation: El Espaņol Constitucional. Constitution and Monarchy: Ocios de Espaņoles Emigrados. In Search of People's Divinity: Mazzini's Apostolato poplare. The Transformation of Exile. The Deployment of Concepts. Moral Sphere with a Difference. Bibliography. Index.Intellectual History
Gothenburg Studies in the History of Science and Ideas, No. 15