Where Have All the Structures Gone?
Doing Gender in Organizations.
Examples from Finland, Norway & Sweden

By Ewa Gunnarsson, et al.
December 2003
Center For Women's Studies
ISBN: 91-87792-32-X
320 pages, 5 ¾" x 8 ¼"
$135.00 Paper Original


The title of this anthology deliberately encompasses double meanings, thereby reflecting the authors' ambition to develop theories and methods that at the same time make visible structures and stability as well as catch variations and change without losing sight of implicit power relations. The doing gender perspective, where gender is seen as interactive action, has opened up new possibilities to capture gender as everyday activities of people in organizations.

With this selection of contributions, a broad illustration is given of how the doing gender perspective can be interpreted in the field of gender and organization - and how it can challenge traditional theories and methods. The anthology also aims to point out dilemmas, limitations and shortcomings that the contributors have encountered while applying this perspective and seeks to develop the perspective further as well as highlighting important fields for future research.

Sociology; Women's Studies

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