Women in Japan & Sweden
Work & Family in Two Welfare Regimes
Stockholm Studies in Sociology N.S.18
Edited By Carl le Grand & Toshiko Tsukaguchi-le Grand
December 2003
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 9122020535
234 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¾" x 9 ½"
$77.50 Paper Original
Five themes will be covered in this book, and for each theme there will be one chapter for Japan written by one (or more) author, and one chapter for Sweden written by another author. The five themes are: Social Policy and Welfare Institutions, Segmentation and Stratification in the Labor Market, Part-Time Work, The Family in Transition, Marital Life and Power Relations.
Contents include: Between identities and institutions: The centrality of paid work and Swedish women's mobilization in periods of welfare state expansion and retrenchment, How has the lost decade started? - Issues of the "Corporate Centered Society" and its reforms in the early 1990s, Gender, employment systems and labor market outcomes in Japan and Sweden, Part-time work in Japan: an approach to explaining the inferior status of part-time workers, Part-time work in Sweden: an institutional perspective, Post war transitions in the Japanese family, Women and family in post-war Sweden, Power and gender in the organization of housework in Sweden, Marital power in Japan in comparison to Sweden: considering of wife's employment status.
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