Return to Coronet Books main pageWhatever Happened to the Peace Dividend?
The Post-Cold War Armaments Momentum
By Marek Thee
Foreword by Peter Crampton
December 1991
ISBN: 0-85124-533-1
113 pages
$22.50 paper
As this book reveals, despite the decline of the Cold War, spending on military research and development was already increasing even before the Gulf crisis unfolded. With the added impulse given by the war, debates in Europe and elsewhere about conversion of military production and peace dividends were, at the time this book was written, being overtaken by a new armaments fever focused on the race in military technology. What are the main features of this new arms race? What is happening inside the world's military laboratories? How can they be opened up to public scrutiny? Marek Thee addresses his subject with characteristic thoroughness.History