When Women Unite!
The Making of the Anti-Liquor Movement in Andhra Pradesh, India
Stockholm Studies in Social Anthropology, No. 60

By Marie Larsson
September 2006
Stockholm University Doctoral Thesis
Distrubuted by
ISBN: 9171552499
278 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2 x 9 1/2"
$89.50 Paper Original

Partial Contents:

1. Introduction: Frameworks of Alcohol & Gender. Social Movements & Gender. South India.

2. Temperance as a Woman's Issue: Social Reform Movement. Temperance Movement. Caste. Extremists. Gandhi. Protests Against Alcohol Consumption. Mobilization for Women's Rights & Temperance.

3. Anti-Arrach Movement

4. Intra-Households Relations & Discources on Gender in Rural Andhra Pradesh.

5. Protest Politics Among the Middle Class

6. Advoctes, Adversaries & Beneficiaries within the Prohibition Field

7. Imagined Community of Protest.

8. Global-National-Local Contexts.



Women's Studies
Social Anthropology

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