Who's Who in Tanakh
The Complete Biographical Dictionary
from Aaron to Zurishaddai
By David Mandel
September 2004
Ariel Books
ISBN: 9657112141
565 pages, 5 ¾" x 8 ¾"
$37.50 Hardcover
The Hebrew Bible or Tanakh - an acronym for Torah, (Pentateuch), Neviim (Former and Latter Prophets), (Former and Latter Prophets), and Ketuvim, (miscellaneous writings) - includes in its pages over three thousand characters. This unique volume, the most complete and detailed reference book that has been written on the subject, tells the story of each one of them.
From Aaron to Zurishaddai, this book relates the biographies of every single person named in the Bible, the very famous and the less famous. They are all here, patriarchs and prophets, warriors and peace makers, kings and queens, holy men and sinners, heroes and villains. Each entry gathers together, in a coherent and continuous narration, all the references found in the Bible about that particular person, information that, in many cases, is scattered across great stretches of the biblical text.
The biographical entries, conveniently arranged in an encyclopedic A to Z format, are accompanied by information about the origin of the name of the person and its meaning, and the approximate date when that person lived. If more than one person shares the same name, the entries are ordered and numbered according to their first appearance in the Bible. This book differs from comparable volumes in having only the Bible text as its source. It is based solely on the biblical text, without extra-biblical stories, theological interpretations, or other additions.
This is an informative, comprehensive, and indispensable reference book for general readers and scholars; students of all ages and teachers; religious institutions, colleges and seminaries; rabbis; ministers, and religious educators. One can open it for a quick reference check about a specific biblical person, or, even better, to read and enjoy the fascinating stories of the men and women whose lives, teachings and sayings have such a great influence and impact in our own lives.
Bible Studies; Religion
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