World of the Early Etruscans

By: David Ridgway
August 2002
Pasul Astroms Forlag
ISBN: 91-7081-189-X
53 pages, 5 7/8 x 8 ¼"
$29.50 paper original

This pamphlet contains the expanded & annotated version of the Felix Neubergh Lecture at Goteborg University presented in 2000 by the author, which discusses the early life of the Etruscans who occupied the western seaboard of the Italian peninsula between Rome & Florence. Initial topics include: Calendar years, Origins, Orientalizing, Communities, Pirates & Women. The author then discusses the Pro-Hellenic Bias, the early Etruscans & Greece, and the Etruscan language. Extensive references have been appended to the lecture.

History; Archeology
Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology & Literature, Pocket-Book No. 162

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