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21st Century Malaysia: Challenges & Strategies in Attaining Vision 2020
Almost Homogeneous Functions
Anti-Liberalism 2000
Apology for Capitalism?
Applications of Mathematics in Engineering & Economics
Asean Towards 2020
ASEAN Towards the 21st Century
Back From the Brink
Benefit Dependency
Better Off Out? New Edition
Beyond Universities
Beyond Wage Slavery
The Birth, The Life & the Death of Firms
Black Market Exchange Rates
Breaking Down the Barriers: Why Europe Needs More Free Trade
Bright Lights Grow Fainter:
Livelihoods, Migration & a Small Town in Zimbabwe

Britain's Relative Economic Performance 1870-1999
British Economic Opinion
Cambodia's Economic Development
Can De-Industrialization Seriously Damage Your Wealth?
Can Malaysia Transit into the K-Economy?
Capital Control & the Malaysian Economy
Capital Controls: A 'Cure' Worse Than the Problem?
Capitalism, Morality & Markets
Captive Party: How Labour Was Taken Over by Capital
Challenge: A New System of Values for Malaysia
Changing Fortunes of Economic Liberalism, 2nd Edition
Changing Phases of Malaysian Economy
Chaos, Management and Economics
China Financial Services Directory, 2007
China Foreign Enterprise Directory, 4th edition
China's WTO Accession and the Impact on Its Large Manufacturing Enterprises
Chinese Dilemma
Climate Change
Commodity Futures and International Market Stabilization
Community Under Attack
Competition Regulation the British Way
Conservative Government's Economic Record: An End of Term Report
Conversation with Harris & Seldon
Co-Operatives That Work

Cost Too Far: An Analysis of the Net Economic
Costs and Benefits for the UK of EU Membership

Cutting Edge of Socialism, The

Cutting the Costs of Crime
Dear Commissioner
Debating Pensions: Self-interest, Citizenship & the Common Good
Demand, Segmentation, & Rationing in the Rural Credit Markets of Puri, India
Democratic Governance in the Transition from
Yugoslav Self-Management to a Market Economy

Democratic Values and the Currency
Denationalisation of Money
Dilemma of Democracy
Does Advertising Increase Smoking?
Does the Past Have a Future?
Drapery Production in the Late Medieval Low Countries
Dutch Diamond?
Dynamo or Dynamite: Cambodia's Future in Asean
Economic Analysis of Private International Law
Economic & Social Changes in Czech Society After 1989
Economic Con-Game: Development: Fact or Fiction
Economic Crises in Malaysia
Economic Fallacies Exposed
Economic Nationalism and Industrial Growth State and Industry in Estonia 1934-39
Economic Science Before the Challenges of the XXI Century, [2 Volume Set]
Economically Speaking: Essays in Honor of Chris Braeke
Economics & Law: Russian-English Dictionary
Economics of Interfirm Networks
Elephants and Ivory
Employment Tribunals: Their Growth & the Case for Radical Reform
End of Macro-Economics
Europe (1996)
Europe Can Afford to Work
European Recovery Programme
European Union, United States & Asean: Challenges & Prospects for Cooperative Engagement in the 21st Century
Europe's Welfare Burden: The Case for Reform
Euthanasia for Death Duties
Exchange of Cotton
Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed
Fighting Closures
Fishing for Solutions
Food, Poverty & Power
Four Decades of Uppsala Business Research
Fragmenting Family, The: Does it Matter?
Free-Market Feminism
Free Trade, "Fairness" and the New Protectionism
From Welfare to Work
Full Employment
Full Employment for Europe
Full Employment - A European Appeal
Globalisation & Its Impact on Asia:
Sharing Knowledge, Ideas & Information

Globalisation and the New Realities:
Selected Speeches of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia

Globalist Manifesto for Public Policy
Green Goods?
Growth Accumulation Crisis: With New Macroeconomic Data for Sweden 1800-2000
Hayek, Currency Competition and European Union
Health Care in France & Germany
Historical Patterns of Globalisation
How Markets Work
How to Create a Competitive Market in Pensions
How to Pay for Health Care
How to Tackle Unemployment, 2nd edition
India’s Overland Trade with Central Asia & Persia:
During the Thirteenth & Fourteenth Centuries

Informal Finance & Microfinance in Jamaica & Trinidad & Tobago

International Business and Political Crisis
International Trade in the Low Countries (14th-16th Centuries)
Invention of Permanent Poverty
Inventory of National Election Studies in Europe, 1945-1995
Irrigation Water Management
Islamic Gold Dinar
Just Labor: Labor Ethics in a Post-Soviet Reindeer Herding Community
Labour Market & Social Policy in Poland

Labour Market Research & Policy Making in Flanders
Conference Book

Lectures on Regulatory & Competition Policy
Lessons for EMU from the History of Monetary Unions
Less Than Zero
Local Institutional Innovation & Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth
The Case of Small-Woolgrowers' Associations in South Africa

London Industrial Strategy
Mahathir Mohamad: A Visionary & His Vision of Malaysia's K-Economy
Making of Malaysia Inc.: A 25-Year Review of the
Securities Industry of Malaysia & Singapore

Malaysia in Transition: Politics, Economics & Society

Malaysia's International Trade Issues

Malaysian-American Partnership
Malaysia's Economic Challenges: A Critical Analysis
of the Malaysian Economy, Governance & Society

Managing Mercury
Managing Partnerships: Unlocking Economic Potential
for Growth & Development in Muslim Countries

Markets and the Media
Markets in the Firm
Markets, Politics and Globalization
Marxism and Reform in China
Medicine Prices and Innovations
Memoir on Pauperism
Misguided Virtue: False Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility
Money, Credit and Inflation
Morals and Markets
Morphology of Debt
A New Logic of Organizing: Causes and Processes
New Venture, Survival, Growth: Continuance, Termination and Growth
of Business Firms and Business Populations in Sweden During the 20th Century

New Zealand's Remarkable Reforms
No, Prime Minister!
North America & the Asia-Pacific in the 21st Century
Octavia Hill and the Social Housing Debate
Out of Crisis
Overseas Investments, Capital Gains and the Balance of Payments

Ownership & Privatisation in Poland
Governance Implications of Poland's Accession to the European Union

Ownership Reform and Corporate Governance

Peopled Economies. Conversations with Stephen Gudeman
Plea to Economics Who Favour Liberty: Assist the Everyman
Planning the Planners, How to Control the Recovery
Political Economy of European Integration
Post-Communist Transition: Some Lessons
Poverty of Development Economics
Poverty, 4th Edition
Power & Ownership: Swedish Left Party

Productivity and Employee Ownership

Prospects for the UK Balance of Payments

Prosperity with Principles: Some Policies for Economic Growth

Public & Private Finances in the Late Middle Ages

Real Sterling Crisis

Reflections on Asean: Selected Speeches of
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia

Reflections on Asia
Reforming EU Farm Policy: Lessons from New Zealand
Reforming Land-Use Planning
Regulating European Labour Markets
Regulating Financial Markets
Regulating Utilities (1996)
Regulating Utilities (1997)
Regulating Utilities: Understanding the Issues
Reinventing Civil Society

Re-Privatising Welfare

Respect & Economic Democracy

Right to a Home
Right to Work
Road to Serfdom
Should Britain Join the Euro?
Should Pharmeceutical Prices Be Regulated?
Should We Have Faith in Central Banks?
Social Charter and the Single European Market
Social Costs of Business Enterprise, 3rd edition
Socialism and Parliamentary Democracy
Socialism, Participation and Agricultural Development in Post-Revolutionary Ethiopia
Socialist Enterprise
Stakeholding and Its Critics
State Intervention in Industry
State Intervention in Industry, 2nd Edition
Surviving in the City
Taxes, Benefits and Family Life
Testing the Market
Theft of Nations: Returning to Gold
Tom Mann's Social and Economic Writings
Towards a New Bretton Woods
Towards a New Socialism
Trade Union Strategy in the Common Market
Transport Policy
Tribute to Peter Bauer: Including a Conversation with
Peter Bauer & Tributes by John Blundell, et al.

Trouble in Store?
Turning to Europe: A New Swedish Industrial Relations Regime in the 1990s
Understanding the Process of Economic Change
Unemployment: Risks and Reactions
Unemployment: The Scourge of Nations
Unexpected Approaches to the Global Society
Utility Regulation
Very Nice Work If You Can Get It
Walking the Tight Rope:
Informal Livelihoods & Social Networks in a West African City

Welfare Titans: How Lloyd George & Gordon Brown Compare & Other Essays on Welfare Reform
What Price Civil Justice?
WHO, What and Why?
Why Yesterday Tells of Tomorrow
Winds of Change: Malaysia's Socioeconomic Transition
from Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

Women & Work: Challenges in Industrializing Nations
World Turned Rightside Up: New Trading Agenda for the Age of Globalisation
Work in Progress: Migration, Integration & the European Labour Market
Workers' Control: Another World is Possible:
Arguments from the Institute for Workers' Control

Young Person's Guide to the Global Crisis and the Alternative