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Coronet Books
Biogeochemical Migration of Technogenic Radionuclides in Forrest Ecosystems
Capricious Earth: Models & Modelling of Geologic Process & Objects
Cave Rocky Relief and its Speleogenetical Significance
Caves and Speleology in Bulgaria
Deep Seismic Studies In the Western Part of the Baltic Shield
A New Controlled Source/Radio Magnetotelluric System
Evolution of Early Karst Aquifiers
Evolution of Karst: From Prekarst to Cessation
Geology of Burkina Faso [In Czech & English]
Global Changes & New Challenges of 21st Century
Holocene Environmental Change of Southern Oland, Sweden
Human Dimensions of Global Change in Bulgaria:
First International Conference 22-24 April 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria
Incomplete Solution: Weathering of Cave Walls & the Production, Transport & Deposition of Carbonate Fines
Luminescent Spectra of Minerals: Reference-Book
Mesozoic Corals of Slovenia
Mines & Minerals Laws
Mousterian Bone Flute & Other Finds from Divje Babe I Cave Site in Slovenia
Natural Mineral Forms: Exhibit in Fersman
Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Science
Paleogene Shallow Benthos of the Tethys, Volume 1
Paleogene Shallow Benthos of the Tethys, Volume 2
Peri-Tethys Memoir 6
Processes of Speleogenesis: A Modeling Approach [Includes CD-ROM]
Protection of Karst Waters: A Comprehensive Slovene Approach
to Vulnerability & Contamination Risk Mapping
Research on Early Man in Burma
Rock Sanctuaries of Mountain Thrace
Quaternary Clastic Sediments of the Czech Republic:
Textures & Structures of the Main Genetic Types
South China Karst, Volume I
Speleological Atlas of Serbia
Tectonic Structure of Postojnska Jama Cave System
Terrestrial Paleoecology & Global Change