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Coronet Books


Abraham Calov's Doctrine of Vocatio in its Systematic Context
Abraham's Faith in Romans 4:
Paul's Concept of Faith in Light of the History of Reception of Genesis 15:6

Accepting the Yoke of Heaven, 2nd edition

Acts & the Isaianic New Exodus

Acts of Paul & Thecla

Allegory Transformed

Adoption as Sons of God
Against False Apologetics: Wilhelm Herrmann and Ernst Troeltsch in Conflict
Akeydat Yitzchak, 3rd edition, 2 volumes
Commentary of Rabbi Yitzchak Arama on the Torah

Allgemeines Priestertum

Ambassadors for Christ

Ancient Jewish Letters & the Beginings of Christian Epistolography

Ancient Mesopotamian Religion & Mythology

Ancient Synagogue Seating Capacities

Ancient Tales of Giants from Qumran & Turfan: Contexts, Traditions & Influences

Angel Veneration and Christology

Angels & Orthodoxy:
A Study in their Development in Syria and Palestine from the Qumran Texts to Ephrem the Syrian

Angels as Warriors in Late Second Temple Jewish Literature

Animals in the Apochryphal Acts of the Apostles

Anonymous Skeptics

Anthropologie und Ethik in Fruhjudentum und im Neuen Testament

Antike Christliche Apokryphen in Deutscher Ubersetzung, 2 Vol. set

Antiquity & Humanity

Antiquity in Antiquity. Jewish & Christian Pasts in the Greco-Roman World

Apk 11 und der Bar Kokhba-Aufstand

Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John

Apokalyptik als Herausforderung neutestamentlicher Theologie (German)

Aposteldekret und antikes Vereinswesen

Appointed Festivals of YHWH

Approaching New Testament Texts & Contexts

Apprehension of Jesus in the Gospel of John

Arch-Heretic Marcion

Armies of the Hasmonaeans and Herod


Attraction & Danger of Alien Religion

Babylonian Poems of Pious Sufferers: Ludlul Bel Nemeqi & the Babylonian Theodicy

Baptism & Cognition in Romans 6-8: Paul's Ethics beyond 'Indicative' & 'Imperative'

Baptism and Resurrection

Barbarian Philosophy

Basel 1516: Erasmus' Edition of the New Testament

Basel als Zentrum des geistigen Austauschs
in der fruhen Reformationszeit

Belial und Katechon

Between Gospel & Election

Beyond Biblical Theologies

Beyond Eden:The Biblical Story of Paradise (Genesis 2-3) & its Reception History

Beyond the Gnostic Gospels

Bible: Job

Bibelkritik und Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift

Blasphemy and Exaltation in Judaism and the Final Examination of Jesus

Blessing for the Nations & the Curse of the Law

Bodily Resurrection & Ethics in 1 Cor 15

Body & Hope

Bonhoeffer's Intellectual Formation: Theology & Philosophy in His Thought

Book of Revelation: Currents in British Research on the Apocalypse

Book of Seven Seals

Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, & Performances

Born from Above

Brevard Childs, Biblical Theologian

Bride without a Blessing:
A Study in the Redaction & Content of Massekhet Kallah & its Gemara

Buddhist Texts Through the Ages

Buddhist Thought in India

Building of the First Temple: A Study in Redactional, Text-Critical & Historical Perspective

Building on the Ruins of the Temple: Apologetics &
Polemics in Early Christianity & Rabbinic Judaism

Call of Moses & the Exodus Story

Called from the Jews & from the Gentiles

Captain of Our Salvation, The

Catalog of the Archival Collections

Centres & Peripheries in the Early Second Temple Period

Character Complexity in the Book of Ruth

Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel

Children in Late Ancient Christianity

Christ Absent & Present

Christ as the Telos of Life

Christ-Believers in Ephesus

Christ, the Spirit & the Community of God

Christian Body, Christian Self: Concepts of Early Christian Personhood

Christology & Discipleship in John 17

Christology of the Fourth Gospel: Its Unity and Disunity in the Light of John 6

Church and Racial Hostility, The

Church in the Wilderness: Paul's Use of Exodus Traditions in 1 Corinthians

Clothing the Body of Christ at Colossae

Codex Apocryphus Gnosticus Novi Testament

Collected Studies on the Septuagint

Commentary on the Apocalypse of St. John

Community, Law & Mission in Matthew's Gospel
Companion to Samaritan Studies

Compilational History of the Megilloth

Completing Christ's Afflictions: Christ, Paul & the Reconciliation of all Things

Computer Aided Text-Reconstruction and Transcription

Conceptions of Afterlife in Jewish Inscriptions

Conceptions of Gospel & Legitimacy in Early Christianity

Concepts of Law in the Sciences, Legal Studies & Theology

Conclusion Unhindered

Concord and Peace

Confessionalist Homiletics of Lucas Osiander (1534-1604): A Study of South-German
Lutheran Preacher in the Age of Confessionalization

Conscience in Philo & Paul: A Conceptual History of the Synoida Word Group

Constructing a New Covenant

Constructing the Self: Thinking with Paul & Michel Foucault

Contemplative Spirit: D.Z. Phillips on Religion & the Limits of Philosophy

Contested Ethnicities & Images: Studies in Acts & Art

Contested Spaces: Houses & Temples in Roman Antiquity & the New Testament

Contra Iudaeos

Contribution of British Writers Between 1560 and 1830 to the Interpretation of Revelation 13.16-18

Coping with Prejudice

Copying Early Christian Texts: A study of Scribal practice

Cosmic Christology in Paul & the Pauline School

Cosmic Drama of Salvation

Covenant & Election in Exilic & Post-Exilic Judaism

Creation & Christology

Creation & Re-Creation in Jewish Thought

Credible, Incredible

Cross-Bearing in Luke

Crucifixion in Antiquity, 2nd edition

Crucifixion in the Mediterranean World

Das Bose, der Teufel und Damonen: Evil, the Devil & Demons

Das Geheimnis der Gegenwart Gottes

Das Gottesbild in der Offenbarung des Johannes

Das letze Gericht

Das Menschenbild des Thomasevangeliums

Das Paulinische Eikon-Konzept

Das Petrusbild im Johannesevangelium

Das Wirken Jesu in Galilaa bei Johannes

David in Luke-Acts: His Portrayal in the Light of Early Judaism

Death of Jesus

Death of Jesus, 2013

Death of the Soul in Romans 7

De-Demonising the Old Testament

Defending Faith: Lutheran Responses to Andreas Osiander's Doctrine of Justification, 1551-1559

Defining All-Israel in Chronicles: Multi-Levelled Identity Negotiation in Late Persian-Period Yehud

Deliver Us from Evil: Interpreting the Redemption from the
Power of Satan in New Testament Theology

Departure of an Apostle: Paul's Death Anticipated & Remembered

Der Anfang der Reformation

Der Heilige Geist bei Lukas

Der Hochste

Der judische Messias Jesus und sein judischer Apostel Paulus

Der Kolosserbrief im Kontext des paulinischen Erbes

Der, Oberdeutsche vierzeilige Totentanz: Formen seiner Rezeption
und Aneignung in Handschrift und Blockdruck

Der Philipperbrief des Paulus in der hellenistisch-romischen Welt

Der Sprechende Gott

Der Tag der Plagen

Derhetorizing Paul

Descent to the Chariot

Deuteronomy & the Emergence of Textual Authority in Jeremiah

Deuteronomy & the Meaning of Monotheism, 2nd edition

Deuteronomy in the Pentateuch, Hexateuch & the Deuteronomistic History

Development of Greek & the New Testament:
Morphology, Syntax, Phonology, & Textual Transmission

Die Areopagrede des Paulus und Reden bei Josephus: Eine vergleichende
Studie zu Apg 17 und dem historiographischen Werk des Josephus

Die Ethik des Johannesevangeliums im Sprachlichen Feld des Handelns

Die Freude im Lukasevangelium

Die Grundschrift des Ezechielbuches und ihre Botschaft

Die heiligen Propheten eure Apostel und ich

Die Herrlichkeit des Gekreuzigten

Die Herrlichkeit des Verherrlichten

Die Johannesapokalypse

Die Judische Bibel in Islamischer Auslegung

Die Septuaginta: Entstehung, Sprache, Geschichte

Die Septuaginta - Orte und Intentionen

Die Septuaginta: Text, Wirkung, Rezeption

Die Strassburger Kloster im 16. Jahrhundert

Die Verklarung Jesu nach dem Markusevangelium

Die Verwandlung Jesu Christi: Historisch-kritische und patristische Studien

Die Zeloten

Diet of John the Baptist: "Locusts and Wild Honey" in Synoptic and Patristic Interpretation

Disaster & Relief Management (in Ancient Israel)

Diversity in Pre-Exilic Hebrew

Divine Image: Prophetic Aniconic Rhetoric & its Contribution to the Aniconism Debate

Divine Instruction in Early Christianity

Divine Judgement and Divine Benevolence
Divine Metaphors in Selected Hebrew Psalms of Lamentation

Divine Presence & Absence in Exilic & Post-Exilic Judaism, Vol. II

Divine Providence in Philo of Alexandria

Divine Revelation and Divine Titles in Pentateuchal Targumim
Divine Wrath & Divine Mercy in the World of Antiquity

Dynamics of Language & Exegesis at Qumran, April 2009

Dynasty of the Jewish Patriarchs

Earliest Christian History

Early Christian Communities Between Ideal & Reality

Early Christian Community

Early Christian Hagiography & Roman History

Early Christian Prayer & Identity Formation

Economics in Persian - Period Biblical Texts

Educating Early Christians through the Rhetoric of Hell

Egypt as a Monster in the Book of Ezekiel

Ekphrasis, Vision, & Persuasion in the Book of Revalation

Einheit der Kirche im Neuen Testament

Emergence of Christianity

Encounters by the Rivers of Babylon: Scholarly Conversations Between
Jews, Iranians & Babylonians in Antiquity

Enmity in Cornith

Enoch-Metatron Tradition: Texts & Studies in Ancient Judaism, No. 107
Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

Epigraphik und Neus Testament

Epistle of Barnabas

Epistle of Barnabas & Deuteronomic Tradition:
Polemics, Paraenesis, & the Legacy of the Golden-Calf Incident

Epochs & Styles: Selected Writings on the New Testament,
Greek Language & Greek Culture in the Post-Classical Era

Erzahlung und Briefe im johannesichen Kreis

Eschatology & Exhortation in the Epistle to the Hebrews

Eschatology in Galatians: Rethinking Paul's Response to Crisis in Galatia

Eschatology in the Greek Psalter

Eschatology of the New Testament & Some Related Documents

Essays on John & Hebrews

Ethics in the Qumran Community

Ethics of In-Visibility: Imago Dei, Memory & Human Dignity in Jewish & Christian Thought

Ethische Normen des fruhen Christentums

Ethnic Negotiations: The Function of Race & Ethnicity in Acts 16

Ethnography of the Gospel of Matthew: A Critical Assessment of
the Use of the Honour & Shame Model in New Testament Studies

Evil in Second Temple Judaism & Early Christianity

Exegesis & Empire in the Early Byzantine Mediterranean [In English & Latin]

Exegesis of the Pentateuch

Exegetical Writings

Exegetische Aufsatze

Ezra, Nehemiah & the Construction of Early Jewish Identity

Faces of the Chariot
Faith in Jesus & Paul
Faith, Obedience, and Perseverance

Fall of Jerusalem & the Rise of the Torah

Fate of the Dead in Early Third Century North African Christianity

Fathers of the World

Fellowship & Food in the Kingdom
Eschatological Meals & Scenes of Utopian Abundance in the New Testament

Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud

Ferdinand Christian Baur und die Geschichte des Fruhen Christentums

Figuren als Handlungsmodelle

First Century Galilee: A Fresh Examination of the Sources

Fiscus Judaicus & the Parting of the Ways

Food Offered to Idols in Roman Corinth

Forbidden Oracles?

Form & Intertextuality in Prophetic & Apocalyptic Literature

Form, Function, and Historical Significance of the Rabbinic Story in Yerushalmi Neziqin

Formation of the Book of Psalms

Framing Social Criticism in the Jesus Movement

From Gods to God
Dynamics of Iron Age Cosmologies

From Jerusalem Priest to Roman Jew

From Mesopotamia to the Mishnah: Tannaitic Inheritance Law in its Legal & Social Contexts

From Messiah to Preexistent Son: Jesus' Self-Consciousness
& Early Christian Exegesis of Messianic Psalms

From Priestly Torah to Pentateuch: A Study in the Composition of the Book of Leviticus

From Synagogue to Ecclesia: Matthew's Community at the Crossroads

From the Lost Teaching of Polycarp:
Identifying Irenaeus’ Apostolic Presbyter & the Author of Ad Diognetum

From the Sayings to the Gospels

Fruhes Christentum im antiken Strahlungsfeld

Fruhes Christentum und Gnosis

Future of Hope & Present Reality, Vol. 1

Galatians & the Imperial Cult

Galen's De indolentia

Galilee and Gospel

Geistliche Literatur des spaten Mittelalters

Gericht bei Lukas

Gershom Scholem's Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism 50 Years After

Glaube in den Pastoralbriefen

Glauben, Handeln, Verstehen: Band II

Gnostic Morality Revisited

God & the Faithfulness of Paul: A Critical Examination of the Pauline Theology of N.T. Wright

God as Problem & Possibility: A Critical Study of Gordon
Kaufman's Thought toward a Spacious Theology

God's Enduring Love in the Book of Hosea:
A Synchronic & Diachronic Analysis of Hosea 11, 1-11

God, His Servant & the Nations in Isiah 42:1-9

God of This Age: Satan in the Churches & Letters of the Apostle Paul

God Resheph in the Ancient Near East

Gog and Magog: Ezekiel 38-39

Good Works in 1 Peter: Negotiating Social Conflict &
Christian Identity in the Greco-Roman World

Gospel Images of Jesus Christ in Church Tradition & in Biblical Scholarship

Gott als Valter der Junger im Johannesevangelium

Greek Jewish Texts from the Cairo Genizah
Haketav Vehakabbalah, 7 volumes
Torah Commentary by Rabbi Yaakov Tzevi Macklenburg

Heavenly Chorus: The Germatic Function of Revelation's Hymns

Heavenly Trumpet

Hebrews as Pseudepigraphon, May 2009

Hebrews Commenting from Erasmus to Beze 1516-1598

Helleninten in der Apostelgeschichte

Hellenistic Dimensions of the Gospel of Matthew

Henry of Ghent: Metaphysics & the Trinity
With a critical edition of question six of article fifty-five of the Summa Quaestionum Ordinariarum

Hermeneutic and Composition in I Peter

Hermeneutics & the Philosophy of Religion: Legacy of Paul Ricoeur

Hermeneutics of Divine Testing: Cosmic Trials & Biblical Interpretation
in the Epistle of James & Other Jewish Literature

Hermeneutik der Fruhchristlichen Wunderzahiungen

Hermeneutik der Gleichnisse Jesu

Herod as a Composite Character in Luke-Acts

Herod's Judaea

Heymericus de Campo: Dyalogus Super Reuelacionibus Beate Birgitte [English & Latin]

Hezekiah & the Compositional History of the Book of Kings

Hidden Criticism? The Methodology & Plausibility of the Search for a Counter-Imperial Subtext in Paul

Hindu Quest for the Perfection of Man

History & the Hebrew Bible

History, Ideology & Bible Interpretation in the Dead Sea Scrolls

History of Interpretation of Hebrews 7,1-10 from the Reformation to the Present

History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament
& Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts

Holy Spirit & Ethics in Paul

Holy Spirit & the Church According to the New Testament

Homer or Moses?

I Am He
I Will Give You Rest

Identity of God's People & the Paradox of Hebrews

Identity of Jesus: Nordic Voices

Image of the Jew in Flavius Josephus' Paraphrase of the Bible

Imagery in the Gospel of John
Images of Illness in the Gospel of Luke: Insights of Ancient Medical Texts

Immigrants & Innovative Law

Implicit Epistemology in the Letters of Paul: Story, Experience and the Spirit

Impossible Time

In a Common Rejoicing

In Christ in Paul: Explorations in Paul's Theology of Union & Participation

Inconsistency in Paul?

Independence and Exegesis

Individual & Community in Paul's Letter to the Romans

Integrating Jewish Women into Second Temple History

Interface of Orality & Writing

Interpretation of Freedom in the Letters of Paul
With Special Reference to the German Tradition

Interpretation of Speech in the Pentateuch Targums

Interpreting Judean Pillar Figurines: Gender & Empire in Judean Apotropaic Ritual

Intertextuality in Isaiah 24-27:
The Reuse and Evocation of Earlier Texts & Translations

Irrevocable Call of God: An Inquiry into Paul's Theology of Israel
Isaiah 53 in the Light of Homecoming After Exile

Isaiah's Kingship Polemic: An Exegetical Study in Isaiah 24-27

Israel, Kirche und die Volker im Mattausevangelium

Jacques Bongars (1554-1612)

Jean Gerson and 'De Consolatione Theologiae' (1418)

Jerusalem Temple & Early Christian Identity

Jesaja 53 als theologische Mitte der Apostelgeschichte

Jesus: An Uncommon Journey

Jesus and His 'Works'

Jesus & the Historians

Jesus & the Impurity of Spirits in the Synoptic Gospels

Jesus as the Eschatological Davidic Shepard:
Studies in the Old Testament, Second Temple Judaism, and in the Gospel of Matthew

Jesus, Gospel Tradition & Paul in the Context of
Jewish & Greco-Roman Antiquity

Jesus in Continuum

Jesus in Geschichte und Bekenntnis

Jesus, Paulus und die Texte von Qumran

Jesus, Q, & the Dead Sea Scrolls

Jesus' Attitude Towards the Law

Jesus’ Death & the Gathering of True Israel

Jesus' Transfiguration & the Believers' Transformation August 2009

Jesus, Patrons & Benefactors

Jesus' Predictions of Vindication and Resurrection

Jewish & Christian Cosmogony in Late Antiquity

Jewish-Christian Controversy from the Earliest Times to 1789

Jewish Art in Its Late Antique Context

Jewish Identities in Antiquity

Jewish Identity and Society in the Seventeenth Century

Jewish Manumission Inscriptions of the Bosporus Kingdom

Jewish Reception of Greek Bible Versions

Jewish Rights in the Roman World

Jewish Ways of Following Jesus

Jewish World Around the New Testament

Jews and Hellenistic Cities in Eretz-Israel

Jews, Christians & Jewish Christians in Antiquity

Jews, Idumaeans, and Ancient Arabs
Johannine Approach to Mission
Johannine Paraclete in the Church Fathers
Johannine Sabbath Conflicts as Juridical Controversy

John Among Other Gospels

John the Baptist & the Jewish Setting of Matthew

John's Relationship with Mark: An Analysis
of John 6 in the Light of Mark 6-8

Joshua Typology in the New Testament

Judas & the Choice of Matthias

Judasevangelium und Codex Tchacos

Julius Africanus and the Early Christian View of Magic

Karaite Exegesis in Medieval Jerusalem

Karl Barth's Dialogue with Catholicism in Gottingen & Munster

Karl Barth's Theological Exegesis

Katholiken, Lutheraner und Reformierte in Aachen 1555-1618

Keeping Heaven on Earth

Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus

Kirche und Politik am Oberrhein im 16. Jahrhundert: Reformation und Macht im Sudwesten des Reiches

Knowledge of God in Philo of Alexandria

Kommunikation mit Gott und Christus:
Sprache und Theologie des Gebetes im Neuen Testament (German)

Kult und Macht

Kultische Sprache in den Paulusbriefen

Kultmetaphorik und Christologie

Kulttheologie des Hebräerbriefes:
Eine exegetisch-religionsgeschichtliche Studie (German)

L'adversaire de Dieu - Der Widersacher Gottes

La Famille de Saul dans le conflit Saul versus David

Lamb Christology of the Apocalypse of John:
An Investigation into Its Origins & Rhetorical Force

Land of Israel as a Political Concept in Hasmonean Literature

Language & Identity in Ancient Narratives

Last Years of Paul

Law & Narrative in the Bible & in Neighbouring Ancient Cultures

Law and the Prophets

Law and Wisdom from Ben Sira to Paul

Law of the Prophets: A Study in Old Testament Canon Formation

Le Jour de Dieu - Der Tag Gottes

Lehren und Lernen im Zeitalter der Refomation

Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity, Part III

Lightfoot the Historian

Literature or Liturgy?

Love Without Pretense

Love's Transcendence & the Problem of Theodicy
Luke Acts: Angels, Christology and Soteriology

Luke-Acts & Jewish Historiography

Luke-Acts & Rhetoric of History

Luke’s Portrait of Gentiles Prior to Their Coming to Faith

Luke's Wealth Ethics

Luther's Approach to Scripture as Seen in His 'Commentaries' on Galatians
Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Medieval China
Manifest in Flesh
Manumission of Slaves in Early Christianity

Mark & Matthew II

Martyrdom of St. Paul

Massekhet Sukkah

Massekhet Ta'anit: A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud. II/9

Materiality of Power: Explorations in the Social History of Early Israelite Magic

Matthew & the Mishnah: Redefining Identity & Ethos in the Shadow of the Second Temple's Destruction

Matthew, Paul, & the Anthropology of Law

Medialitat Ummittelbarkeit Prasenz

Memoria-theologische Synthese-Autoritatenkonflikt

Menschliches Handeln und Sprechen im Horizont Gottes: Aufsatze zur biblischen Theologie

Messiah and Christos

Messiah & Exaltation:
Jewish Messianic & Visionary Traditions & New Testament Christology

Messiah and Throne

Messiah, the Healer of the Sick:
A Study of Jesus as the Son of David in the Gospel of Matthew


Metaphor, Narrative & Parables in Q

Metaphysics, Analysis & the Grammar of God

Michael and Christ: Michael Traditions and Angel Christology in Early Christianity
Midrash of Rabbi Moshe Alshich on the Torah, 2nd ed., 3 vol.
Middle Voice in Gadamer's Hermeneutics
Miracle and Mission
Mishnah and Tosefta (2 volumes)

Mission of Jesus: Second Nordic Symposium on the Historical Jesus, Lund, 7-10 October 2012

Mission of the Early Church to Jew & Gentiles

Mitzvot: The Commandments & Their Rationale, 2nd ed.
Modes of Thought
Monarchic Principle

Monotheism & Institutions in the Book of Chronicles

Monotheism in Late Prophetic & Early Apocalyptic Literature: Studies of the Sofja
Kovalevskaja Research Group on Early Jewish Monotheism, Vol.III

Moses, God & the Dynamics of Intercessory Prayer

Munich Kunstkammer

Mysteries of Righteousness

Mystical Prayer in Ancient Judaism

Mysticism of Hebrews

Myth of Rebellious Angels: Studies in the Second Temple Judaism & New Testament Texts

Mythos und Geschichte: Kleine Schriften III

Name of God and the Angel of the Lord

Narrative Theology of the New Testament: Exploring the Metanarrative of Exile & Restoration

Neuanfang und Kontinuitat in Jerusalem

New Creation in Paul's Letters

New Testament & Christian Apocrypha

New Testament Language & Exegesis

New Testament Logia on Divorce

No One Seeks for God

Nonverbal Language of Prayer: A New Approach to Jewish Liturgy

Not Reckoned Among Nations

Obedience of Faith
Offering of the Gentiles
Old is Better: New Testament Essays in Support of Traditional Interpretations
Old Testament Miracle-Workers in Early Judaism

Old Testament Quotations in Hebrews

Old Testament Yaweh Texts in Paul's Christology

On Prophecy, Dreams & Human Imagination: Synesius, De insomniis

Oneness Motif in the Fourth Gospel

Or Hachayim, 5 Volumes. Commentary on the Torah

Oracular Law & Priestly Historiography in the Torah

Oral Tradition & Literary Dependency: Variability & Stability in the Synoptic Tradition & Q

Origen's Hexapla and Fragments

Origin of Evil Spirits: The Reception of Genesis 6:1-4 in Early Jewish Literature
Origins of Pauline Pneumatology
Orthodoxy and Reform

Papyrologie und Exegese

Parable of the Wicked Tenants

Parables & Rhetoric in the Sermon on the Mount: New Approaches to a Classical Text

Paradox of Authenticity

Paul: One of the Prophets?

Paul and Apostasy

Paul & the Early Jewish Encounter with Deuteronomy

Paul and the Law
Paul and the Nations
Paul and the New Perspective:
Second Thoughts on the Origin of Paul's Gospel

Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation
Paul as Benefactor

Paul, Founder of Churches

Paul in Athens: The Popular Religious Context of Acts 17

Paul, Jerusalem & the Judaisers, April 2009

Paul of Acts
Paul und Johannes:
Exegetische Studien zur paulinischen und johanneischen Theologie und Literatur

Paul's Anthropology in Context

Paul's Divine Christology

Paul's Ekklesia as a Civic Assembly: Understanding the People of God in their Politico-Social World

Paul's Inclusive Ethic

Paul's Koinonia with the Philippians: A Socio-Historical
Investigation of a Pauline Economic Partnership

Paul's Line of Thought in 2 Corinthians 4:16 - 5:10

Paul's Message of the Cross as Body Language
Wenhua Shi attempts to examine Paul’s ‘message of the cross’ in the context of the
Greco-Roman society, especially its firmly established and jealously guarded social ethos.

Paul's Language of Grace in its Graeco-Roman Context

Paul's Offer of Leniency (2 Cor 10:1)
Populist Ideology & Rhetoric in a Pauline Letter Fragment

Paul's Territoriality & Mission Strategy

Paul's Use of Isaiah in Romans

Paul's Witness to Formative Early Christian Instruction

Pedagogy, Prayer & Praise: The Wisdom of the Psalms & Psalter

Peirces, Religion of Science

Performanzkritik der Paulusbriefe

Persecution, Persuasion & Power

Personal Speech-Ethics in the Epistle of James
Persuading the Galatians: A Text-Centred Rhetorical Analysis of a Pauline Letter
Peshitta and the Versions

Peter Between Jerasulem & Antioch

Philosophical Hermeneutics & Biblical Exegesis [In German & English]

Picturing the New Testament: Studies in Ancient Visual Images

Pioneer & Perfecter of Faith

Pious Sinner, The

Pistis & the Righteous One: A Study of Romains 1:17 Against the Background
Scripture & Second Temple Jewish LIterature

Poetik und Intertextualitat der Johannesapokalypse

Polarity and Change in 1 Corinthians 15

Politics, Monasticism & Miracles in Sixth Century Upper Egypt

Politics of Dead Kings

Polycarp & the New Testament

Portraits of Jesus: Studies in Christology

Possession & Exorcism in the New Testament & Early Christianity

Post-Priestly Pentateuch: New Perspectives on its Redactional Development & Theological Profiles

Power of God in Paul's Letters

Power of Saving Wisdom

Presence & Absence of God

Presence & Function of Scripture in Galatians 1 & 2

Prologue of the Gospel of John: Literary & Historical Relationships between Job & Deutero-Isaiah

Prophetie und Konigtum

Prophets & Prophecy in Jewish & Early Christian Literature

Provoked to Jealousy

Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John

Psalms of Solomon & the Messianic

Pseudepigraphie und Verfasserfiktion in frühchristlichen Briefen

Pseudepigraphy and Ethical Argument in the Pastoral Epistles

Purity, Holiness, & Identity in Judaism & Christianity

Purpose of Mark's Gospel

Qumran and the Essenes


Qumran und die Archaologie

Quran's Legal Culture

Rabbinic Parodies of Jewish & Christian Literature

Ransom Logion in Mark & Matthew

Reading David & Goliath in Greek & Hebrew: A Literary Approach

Reading the First Century: On Reading Josephus & Studying Jewish History of the First Century

Reading the Liver: Papyrological Texts on Ancient Greek Extispicy

Recapitulation of Israel

Reception of Septuagint Words in Jewish-Hellenistic & Christian Literature

Reconsidering Nehemiah's Judah: The Case of MT & LXX Nehemiah 11-12

Reconsidering the Relationship between Biblical & Systematic Theology in the New Testament

Religion & the End of Metaphysics

Remembering & Forgetting in Early Second Temple Judah

Rereading the Mishnah: A New Approach to Ancient Jewish Texts

Rereading the Relecture?

Right Chorale: Studies in Biblical Law & Interpretation

Rabbinic Law in its Roman & Near Eastern Context

Reactions to Empire

Reading Dionysus: Euripides' Bacchae & the Cultural Contestations of Greeks, Jews, Romans, & Christians

Reading Prophetic Books

Reading the First Century

Reception of Luke & Acts in the Period Before Irenaeus

Rediscovering the Apocryphal Continent: New Perspectives on Early
Christian & Late Antique Apocryphal Texts & Traditions

Relevance of Theology: Nathan Soderblom &
the Development of an Academic Discipline

Religious Experience of the Pneuma

Remembered Peter in Ancient Reception & Modern Debate

Remembrance of Things Past?

Renaming Abraham's Children: Election, Ethnicity, & the Interpretation of Scripture in Romans 9

Repetition in Hebrews: Plurality & Singularity in the Letter to the
Hebrews, Its Ancient Context & the Early Church

Rethinking the Ethics of John


Revelation and Concealment of Christ

Revelation and Mystery in Ancient Judaism and Pauline Christianity

Revelation, Literature & Community in Late Antiquity

Revelation of Elchasai
Reverse of the Curse
Revolution and Evolution 1848 in German-Jewish History

Rewriting the Torah: Literary Revision in Deuteronomy & the Holiness Legislation

Rhetoric & Drama in the Johannine Lawsuit Motif

Rhetoric of Digressions

Rhetorical Criticism of the New Testament
Rhetorical Impact of the Semeia in the Gospel of John

Righteousness of God: A Lexical Examination of the Covenant-Faithfulness Interpretation

Rise & Expansion of Christianity in the First
Three Centuries of the Common Era

Role of the Septuagint in Hebrews:
An Investigation of its Influence with Special Consideration to the Use of Hab 2:3-4 in Heb 10:37-38

Roman Attitudes Toward the Christians: From Claudius to Hadrian


Samaritans In Flavius Josephus

Saul in Story & Tradition

Schriftgelehrte Prophetie

Scientific Explanation & Religious Belief

Scribal Culture & Intertextuality

Scribal Laws

Scriptural Incipits on Amulets from Late Antique Egypt

Scripture, Interpretation or Authority?

Second Chance

Secretary in the Letters of Paul
Seder Avodah for the Day of Atonement by Shelomoh Suleiman Al-Sinjari

Sensitivity Towards Outsiders

Sentences of Sextus & the Orgins of Christian Asceticism

Septuagint Version of Isaiah & Cognate Studies

Sermons on Joseph of Balai of Qenneshrim

Settlement & History in Hellenistic,
Roman, & Byzantine Galilee

Shema & the First Commandment in First Corinthians
Shi ur Qomah
Shield and Sword

Shney Luchot Habrit on the Written Torah, 2nd ed., 3 vol

Signifigance of Exemplars for the Interpretation of the Letter of James

Significance of Yavneh & Other Essays in Jewish Hellenism

Silent or Salient Gender?

Situating the Recognitions in Fourth Century Syria

Skeptical Faith

Slavery Metaphors in Early Judaism & Pauline Christianity

Soldiers in Luke-Acts

Son of David in Matthew's Gospel in the Light of the Solomon as Exorcist Tradition

Son of Man

Song of Songs & Christology in the Early Church 381-451

Spirit & the Restoration of Israel

Spirit Epicleses in the Acts of Thomas

Spirit's Relation to the Risen Lord in Paul
Spiritual Capital, Natural law & the Secular Market Place
Spirit & Creation in Paul

Sprachethik im Neuen Testament

Struggle for Scripture and Covenant

Studien zum Jeremiabuch

Studien zum Matthausevangelium

Studies in Ephesians

Studies in Jewish Manuscripts

Studies in Matthew & Early Christianity

Studies in Paul's Letter to the Philippians

Studies in the Jewish Background of Christianity

Studien zur Theologie des Alten Testaments

Study of Hata' & Hatta't in Leviticus 4-5

Sunde und Rechtfertigung bei Paulus

Synoptic Problems

Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel

Ta'aniyot Fasten

Taufe und Mahlgemeinschaft

Talmud in Its Iranian Context

Talmud Yerushalmi in Graeco-Roman Culture
Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, The, Vol. II
Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis Before 70 CE
Tehiyyat Ha-Metim
Temple in the Gospel of Mark

Temple Purity in 1-2 Corinthians

Tenants in the Vineyard:
Ideology, Economics, & Agrarian Conflict in Jewish Palestine

Testament Grec d'Abraham, Le
Text and Concept in Leviticus 1:1-9

Text-Centered New Testament Studies

Text of Galatians & Its History

Texte und Kontexte des Sirachbuchs

Texts, Contexts, & Readings in Postexilic Literature

Theios Aner and the Markan Miracle Traditions

Theme of Hardening in the Book of Isaiah

Theodicy and Predestination in Pauline Soteriology
Theologie als Erzahlunh im Markusevangelium [In the German Language]

Theology & Ethics in 1 Peter:
Paraenetic Strategies for Christian Character Formation

Theologie und Ethos im fruhen Christentum, May 2009

Theophany, March 2009

Theories of Poverty in the World of the New Testament

Thousand Thousands Served Him

Three Times a Year

Tongues of Angels

Torah & the Book of Numbers

Torah as a Place of Refuge: Biblical Criminal Law & the Book of Numbers

Torah Praxis After 70 CE

Tragic in Mark


Translation Style of Old Greek Habakkuk: Methodological Advancement in Interpretative Studies of the Septuagint

Trial & Crucifixion of Jesus: Texts & Commentary

Trial of St. Paul

Trying Man, Trying God

Two Nations: British and German Jews in Comparative Perspective

Unerwartete Absichten - Genealogie des Reuchlinkonflikts

‘Unique Cherub’ Circle, The

Until it is Fulfilled

Use of the Old Testament in Hebrews, May 2009

Use of Zechariah in Revelation

Visions of Christ: The Anthropomorphite Controversy of 399 CE

Von den Wachtern zu Adam

Was ist Gnosis?

Way Metaphors & Way Topics in Isaiah 40-55
Way of the Lord: Essays in Old Testament Theology

Ways of the Sages and the Way of the World

Welcher Thomas?

William Robertson Smith

William Tyndale (1491-1536)

Wirksme Zeichen?

Women and Gender in Ancient Religions

Women, Men & Angels

Women, Work & Leadership in Acts

Word - Gift - Being

Yahweh's Council

YHWH at Patmos: Rev 1:4 in its Hellenistic and Early Jewish Setting